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(Français) Les applications Spectralys: les réactions de Maillard et la technologie de fluorescence de Spectralys

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(Français) Les applications Spectralys: les réactions de Maillard et la technologie de fluorescence de Spectralys 2024-05-27T09:56:17+00:00

(Français) A l’occasion de la Journée Mondiale de la Gastronomie, célébrons la qualité des ingrédients avec Amaltheys et Cerealys de Spectralys !

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(Français) A l’occasion de la Journée Mondiale de la Gastronomie, célébrons la qualité des ingrédients avec Amaltheys et Cerealys de Spectralys ! 2024-05-02T21:39:10+00:00

Discovering our professions: Abdelhaq Acharid – Metrological Quality Manager Spectralys

How has your job changed since joining Spectralys? Since I arrived in the company in 2008, my job has evolved. I began as a research supervisor for the development of analytical and modeling solutions before moving to a job as Project Coordinator for the "Analytical R&D team". I am currently the Metrological Quality Manager. My [...]

Discovering our professions: Abdelhaq Acharid – Metrological Quality Manager Spectralys 2024-03-29T16:23:33+00:00

Come and see SPECTRALYS at the CFIA trade fair in Rennes (France) from March 12th to 14th, 2024

Come and see SPECTRALYS at the CFIA trade fair in Rennes (France) from March 12th to 14th, 2024 The CFIA Show starts soon! This edition will highlight three major topics: the future of food products, eco-design of packaging, and water management and the French REUT decree on water usage. Come and see SPECTRALYS on Booth [...]

Come and see SPECTRALYS at the CFIA trade fair in Rennes (France) from March 12th to 14th, 2024 2024-03-29T13:12:30+00:00

(Français) Le Fluoralys est le seul appareil présent sur le marché permettant une évaluation rapide de la teneur en acrylamide via la fluorescence. 

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(Français) Le Fluoralys est le seul appareil présent sur le marché permettant une évaluation rapide de la teneur en acrylamide via la fluorescence.  2024-02-21T11:30:08+00:00

Everything points to 2024 being an “exceptional” year for Spectralys

In the last few years, the fluorescence technology developed by Spectralys has demonstrated its advantages for many applications. This year, Spectralys plans to continue its growth in continuous liquid measurements in industry and water purification thanks to the latest addition to its range, AQUALYS, which benefits from the latest upgrades developed from its teams' expertise. Continuous [...]

Everything points to 2024 being an “exceptional” year for Spectralys 2024-01-26T14:14:23+00:00

(Français) Toute l’équipe Spectralys vous souhaite une très bonne année 2024: santé, bonheur et faire aboutir vos projets ensemble !

(Français) Toute l’équipe Spectralys vous souhaite une très bonne année 2024: santé, bonheur et faire aboutir vos projets ensemble ! 2024-01-09T15:17:31+00:00

AQUALYS, the first 3D fluorescence sensor for continuous water quality measurement

The 3D fingerprints, acquired by a spectrometer after illumination by 8 UV LEDs, are analyzed by our algorithms (7 families of patents). It is installed either via a pump or by means of a direct bypass on the ducts. A cleaner solenoid valve ensures that the cell remains clean whatever the load of the milieu. [...]

AQUALYS, the first 3D fluorescence sensor for continuous water quality measurement 2023-09-22T09:53:31+00:00